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Joining Validator

Champagne Test network

Before setting up a validator node, make sure to have completed the Running Supernova guide. You should connect your node to champagne network.

Generate key

Next, you have your own key for signing transactions.

novad keys add <key-name>

or if you want to recover with existing mnemonic,

novad keys add <key-name> --recover
<enter mnemonic in prompt>

And check your key and nova address.

novad keys show <key-name>

Get Faucet

For joining as a validator, you should have some NOVA for gas fee and self delegation.

You can get NOVA in discord. In faucet channel, enter command: !faucet {nova_address}, faucet will give you 10NOVA and 10IBC tokens.

After get faucet, you can check balance if you receive tokens successfully.

novad query bank balances <your_nova_address>

Submit CreateValidator Transaction

If you want to join as a validator, you must submit gentx of CreateValidator transaction. But in champagne network, we already set 3 validators, so you should submit CreateValidator transaction.

novad tx staking create-validator \
--amount 1000000unova \
--chain-id=champagne \
--moniker=< your_node_moniker > \
--website="your website" \
--details="Joining Champagne network" \
--commission-rate="0.1" \
--commission-max-rate="0.20" \
--commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
--min-self-delegation="1" \
--identity=< if_you_have, you_can_enter_keybase_identity_optional > \
--from < validator_key_name > \
--gas-prices 0.025unova \
--keyring-backend < keyring_name > \
--pubkey=$(novad tendermint show-validator)

After submit it, you can check if your validator is running in block explorer